Easy Peesy Protocol - Urinary Tract Health

Easy Peesy Protocol - Urinary Tract Health

Show the bladder some love!

For Dogs & Cats

The Easy Peesy Protocol helps to support the body’s defense against recurring bladder and urinary infections. Supports bladder health and the creation of an environment that will discourage crystal formation. Not recommend for daily use without the advice of your homeopathic veterinarian. Pets suffering from chronic urinary tract issues, can use 3-4 times per year as maintenance.

Easy Peesy 1 Ingredients:

Homeopathic Hydrangea & Berberis

Easy Peesy 2 Ingredients:



N-acetyl Glucosamine (NAG)

Marshmallow Root

Uva Ursi

Nettle Leaf

14 Strain Probiotic Blend

Larch Arabinogalactan

Beef Liver Glandular

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